Monday, December 27, 2010

Ice Skating.....

It was only the begining of Noah's Chritmas break....What do we do? A friend and I decided to take the kids ice skating today! Neither one of the kids had ever gone before and I don't remember the last time I have gone either( I was probly Noah's age)...Yikes!! The kids had a blast....a few falls and crashes along the way... but no broken bones or serious crashes-thank GOD!

Noah are you sure you haven't done this before....he stepped out on the ice for the first time and did GREAT!
He's on a Mission....Not to Fall Down!!

Noah's friend George(his firt time on skates too!)

Crash! Oops.....

Ava getting ready to hit the ICE!!
Me and the kids!

Ava did took all of me to try and balance and keep us both from falling and crashing!
I was finally able to catch up to this guy...he thought it was funnt watching me try to catch up to him and chanse him and not lose my footing!!

Who does this???? Sleeping beauty OUT cold sleeping on the bench while the rest of us continued to skate!

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