Monday, December 20, 2010

Gehin Christmas....

Every year we head to Madison for the "Gehin Christmas" with Sean's dad's family for the weekend. We always stay at a hotel and have a "swimming birthday party" with all the cousins for Noah, followed by the Gehin gathering at the local EMS building(it's held there because there are soooo many people that no one could possibly host at their home! the kids look forward to this each and every year......

Cousins.....Bradley and Addsion

The kids have to check out the "ambulance" every year.....thanks to Aunt Terry, they can get inside and really check everything out!

Every year we play BINGO and there are an assortment of prizes to pick from...and of course the kids are up there scoping out which prizes they are going to pick if they get BINGO. Ava found a baby that she had her eye on....and I swear if anyone would have picked the "baby" before her...there was going to be a massive melt down and it wasn't going to be pretty! I begged people not to pick the "baby".....when I finally got BINGO and told her that she could run up and get the baby, I thought she was going to cry with excitement! I've never her seen her get off a chair and run to the table so fast to grab it!!
Here's the baby........

What would be Christmas without a visit from SANTA!!!!!

Ava was a little shy...but when she found out SANTA had a present for her....see RAN right up and grabbed it!!

Noah, Ava and SANTA!!!!

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