Monday, December 27, 2010

Ava's Masterpiece.....

As I was getting dinner ready tonight.....the kids both playing GREAT and quiet in their rooms (Or so I thought!)...I went to go check on Ava and this is what I walked in to.......

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! Anyone who knows Ava well enough knows this is NOT like her to do something like this! She said she just wanted to draw me a pretty picture and thought I might like it! (Yeah she actually did do a good job drawing-I was proud of her....but NOT on the walls!!!)
It was everywhere! On 2 different walls, 2 windows, her new white bed, piggy bank, 2 dolls, her new doll bed, doll case, teddy bear and picture holder! Oh and the toilet in the bathroom! I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into her room!
Thank GOD for Mister Clean Magic Erasers(they are a life saver and a MUST have for EVERY parent), they worked GREAT and got everything off of everything she covered in marker! And the fact that she used a dry erase marker!
Ava, Ava, Ava........

Ice Skating.....

It was only the begining of Noah's Chritmas break....What do we do? A friend and I decided to take the kids ice skating today! Neither one of the kids had ever gone before and I don't remember the last time I have gone either( I was probly Noah's age)...Yikes!! The kids had a blast....a few falls and crashes along the way... but no broken bones or serious crashes-thank GOD!

Noah are you sure you haven't done this before....he stepped out on the ice for the first time and did GREAT!
He's on a Mission....Not to Fall Down!!

Noah's friend George(his firt time on skates too!)

Crash! Oops.....

Ava getting ready to hit the ICE!!
Me and the kids!

Ava did took all of me to try and balance and keep us both from falling and crashing!
I was finally able to catch up to this guy...he thought it was funnt watching me try to catch up to him and chanse him and not lose my footing!!

Who does this???? Sleeping beauty OUT cold sleeping on the bench while the rest of us continued to skate!

Merry Christmas 2010!!!

Wow can't believe Christmas was here and now gone! The kids had the best Christmas ever....Santa brought them everything they wanted and then some!! :-) Jack must have had good reports back to Santa each and every night that he was here! Here's just a small glimpse of Christmas between our house, my parents and Sean's parents this year.......

Nana and Papa Bonk's.....When we got there my sister pulled Noah aside to slip oin this funny shirt! It reads: Save Time and Skip my Sister!!
Ava thought she was beeing funny by "trying" to make Weagan's ears stick straight up! Poor Weagan...look at his sad little face...:-( He is so good with her and lets her do whatever she wants with him! Ava's just "breaking" him in for his new little brother that will be coming along in March!! :-)

YES!!!!! He says!.....this is ALL that he wanted for Christams this year....A Nintendo DSi!!!
Noah was up at 5AM ready to open gifts!!!! Just like his Dad used to be.......

Baby Mama got her "dancing" American Girl Doll

Noah begged for a skateboard.....don;t really know how I feel about this yet....
The Polly Pocket Camper that Ava has been dying to get!

Christmas at Nana Gehin's...Christmas Eve
Noah, Ava and their cousin Ziya

Big Buck Hunter for the Wii....Sean is starting him out young!! Although this is the type of gun that I prefer he shoots!! :-)

Noah's metal detector....he is determined to find great "treasures" with this!

Ava has been wanting Nana to make her another "lovie"(she only has about ten of them!) She LOVED it....and of with cupcakes for fancy pants!!

Ava's American Doll-The Bitty Baby! They even have matching PJ' cute!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!

This is the night the kids have been waiting for all's finally going to be here...Christmas!!!

Ava placing "Reindeer Food" on our front law. She had gotten a bag of reindeer food (a mixture of oatmeal, sugar and red and green candy sprinles)to take home from daycare and couldn't wait to sprinkle it out the night before Christmas!
This was the little poem that was attached: Sprinkle on the lawn at night
The moon will make it sparkle bright
Santa's reindeer fly and roam
This will guide them to your home
***Noah was already sleeping...couldn't even stay awake to sprinkle and leave cookies and hot chocolate out for Santa!!
Ava got the Cookies and hot chocolate ready for Santa, and we couldn't forget a few carrots for the reindeer too!!!

You can't tell from this picture.....but she was snoring!!!

"SANTA" stuffing his face with yummy cookies and hot chocolate!! Lucky Santa...........

A Night At Nana's!!!

Sean's sister Sarah came into town last night with her family....Ava was so excited to finally see "her baby" Ziya!! Ava the little mama that she is, instructed Ziya to sit by her so she could read her a story!!

Noah had to get in on the action!!

Noah's Birthday gift from Sarah, Cathy and Ziya! An Exploration Laptop....he was so excited!!!! espcially that it has a solar system activity on it! Thanks guys....this will keep him occupied for hours....especially the early morning hours!! :-)

HaPpY 6th BiRtHdAy NoAh!!!!!!!

I can't believe my little boy is 6 years old how time flies(Literally!) We celebrated Noah's Birthday on Wednesday....since his Birthday is so close to Christmas, we really try to seperate his Birthday from that!He decided that he wants to go to one of the local pizza places(with an arcade of course!) here in town for pizzas and milkshakes! And then back to our house for presents and Nana's famous Oreo Dessert for his "Birthday Cake"!!!

Noah's Favorite....Oreo Dessert!
One of Noah's little friends, Charlie Ghidorzi along with her dad joined us for the evening!

Noha's neighbor friend Will stopped by with a gift for Noah....just in time for Oreo Dessert!

In the Sam's Pizza

Charlie, Ava and Noah...before gift opening

Of course the "Lego Master" HAD to get some Legos!
Noah has been wanted one of the snowbarding handle boards forever!
Nana Bonk got him "The Claw"....the kids all loved this gift! What kid wouldn't like a chance at grabbing a claw full of candy! By the end of the night...I was ready to throw it out the door with the crazy carnival music it plays!!! :-)

Noah is changing his room over to a "Solar System" room....he was so exctied to get all of his bedding form Nana Gehin!!!!

Ava insisted on getting Naoh these handcuffs for his brithday....she's smart....she wanted to get these two clowns somehow!!

Noah had a GREAT 6th Birthday!!! Thank you for all the warm Birthday wishes and gifts!!!!