Thursday, December 1, 2011

Really.....Chocolate at 6 AM????

My little "Early Bird" aka Noah is always up at the butt crack of dawn....usually he keeps quite and keeps himself busy(usually making toast-as you can see in the background!!) until we get up for work....but NOT today!!
While looking at the calendar at 5:45 AM...he realized it was December 1st....and that means he is finally able to eat one of his chocolates out of his Advent Calendar!!!! He couldn't keep all the excitement until 7 AM to he decided to wake the entire house so he could have his one tiny little piece of chocolate at 6 AM!!!!!
Gotta LOVE him!!!!
PS....he's been dying to get this calendar started and looks forward to this every year!!! All because it's that much closer to Santa coming.....

Jack our "Elf" should be making his appearance at our house any day now.......

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