Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ava's First Day of PRE-SCHOOL.....

I CAN'T believe that my little baby girl started Pre-school today (sniff-sniff)!!!!!! WOW how time flies....literally!!

Ava was soooo excited to go back to school,many of her day care friends come to find out were in her pre-school class so she was extra excited to see them all again!!

This is Ava with her Pre-school Teacher Ms. Debbie.....she is so sweet and think Ava fell in love with her today!!

Ava picked out a special dress and hair bow of course....she liked the dress because it has tea pots on it and she thought she was going to have a tea party all day today at school!!

She couldn't wait to get inside to see all her little friends and meet her teacher again! Noah the perfect BIG brother leading the way and helping her! How cute!

After all of today's excitement the kids asked if we could take them to one of their favorite restaurants Wausau Mine for a "Back to School" dinner of pizza and Italian fries......

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