Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend Fun......

This past weekend was packed full of fun.....

Friday: Wausau Holiday Parade

The kids usually enjoy the fun Wausau Tradition but I think due to a combination of the cold weather and 2 TIRED kids....lets' just say we didn't last long.....

Told you they were tired!!!! Noah fell asleep I think a block from the parking lot that we pulled out of after the parade....and Ava shortly after that!

Saturday: Green Bay for a friend's wedding.....

I think there were a "few" whiskey dews involved with this duo......

And this duo.....

Sunday: Molly's Christmas Celebration dance recital

Ava was soooo excited to drive to Green Bay with Nana(I met up with the two of them since I was in town already) to watch Molly dance in her dance company's Christmas recital!!!!

Ava LOVES her Molly.....

Ava practicing a "few" moves of her own.....

****I can't forget that on Sunday before the recital.....Sean and I along with Sara and Jed took my mom out for a "belated" (it was actually on Saturday 12/3) birthday brunch to celebrate her **th Birthday at 1951!!!! OMG it was soooo GOOD....I would come back to Green Bay on Sundays just for that!! The desserts were amazing!!! We all stuffed ourselves until we could barely move off the chair to go out the door!!! Happy Birthday Mom!!!! (Let's do that again next year....hehe!!)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Really.....Chocolate at 6 AM????

My little "Early Bird" aka Noah is always up at the butt crack of dawn....usually he keeps quite and keeps himself busy(usually making toast-as you can see in the background!!) until we get up for work....but NOT today!!
While looking at the calendar at 5:45 AM...he realized it was December 1st....and that means he is finally able to eat one of his chocolates out of his Advent Calendar!!!! He couldn't keep all the excitement until 7 AM to he decided to wake the entire house so he could have his one tiny little piece of chocolate at 6 AM!!!!!
Gotta LOVE him!!!!
PS....he's been dying to get this calendar started and looks forward to this every year!!! All because it's that much closer to Santa coming.....

Jack our "Elf" should be making his appearance at our house any day now.......

Sunday, November 27, 2011

O Christmas Tree....

Every year since we've moved to Wausau, it's been our tradition to search for that "Perfect Christmas Tree" and cut it down each Thanksgiving Day before Sean heads back up north to hunt for the weekend. Here we are pictured in front of "The Perfect Tree"!! Noah cutting the tree...

He needs a little help from dad....his hand was getting tired!!

Dragging it off to the truck....Noah was such a great helper!! And so proud of the tree we found and just cut down!!Ava following instructions of course!!


And after......

With Help from my mom, the kids and I spent the evening decorating the tree with Christmas music blasting in the background! The kids were so excited to hang ornaments and decorate the rest of the HOPES that Santa would be coming that night!! :-)


Last weekend the kids and I took a "road trip" to Green Bay to visit my sister and nephew and check out their new house they just moved in to!! The kids had a great time visiting with their cousin Braylon and hanging out with Grandma Bonk while Sara and I did a "little" shopping for the day!!!

Grandma must have really pooped the kids out....all 3 of them out cold......

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party

Noah and Ava's neighbor friend Will had a little Halloween party at his house today with a few of the neighborhood afternoon of Halloween fun.....playing the game I Spy, Pinata loaded with tons of Halloween treats and prizes, crafts and cupcakes!!!! The kids had a blast!!!

One of Ava's favorite prizes...Witches fingers

Noah's favorite prize....eyeball patch and vampire fangs!!!

Boy FUN.....

Noah went up north for the day/night with Papa on Saturday and met up with his cousin Bradley!! A fun filled day of fishing, shooting their bows, campfire(with smores of course) and a dinner out for pizza!!! What more could a 6 year old boy ask for.....

Friday, October 28, 2011

This week at our house.....

Getting ready for Trick or Treating is always an exciting time of the year for the kids......Ava thought of switching her costume and going as a "scary man".....I turn my head for a minute and this little stinker was trying to scare me in Target!!!
Ava had a pumpkin carving display at her school this year...Ava and her neighborhood friend Allie were all about making this fancy pumpkin! they had fun "bedazzling" it and gluing all the jewels on it! This is such an "Ava" pumpkin......glitter, jewels, tiara and tutu!!!!

Ava woke up and wanted to play Barbies with dad.....It was the cutest thing...Ava-"Daddy will you play Barbies with me, I have a boy Barbie you can play with...his name is Ken". How do you say NO to that!!!

Noah had his last football game this week(Sean helped coach)....he had a GREAT season and improved tremendously with each game every week!!!! He is AWESOME on tell him to go after the flag on the opposite team's guy....there is no stopping him!!! Noah has also been working really hard on receiving passes and running with the ball! Good job Noah!!!!!

Next up....Basketball.....

After a long, busy week.....these two are pooped out!!! How sweet is this.........

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chair Lift Ride

Every year Granite Peak has the big chair lift open for two weekends in the fall for people to come and take a ride up to the top of Rib Mountain and back down again to check out all the beautiful colors of fall and take a glimpse at our beautiful city of Wausau!! (the view from here doesn't even compare to the views I had out in Colorado a few weekends ago) :-)
We had a gorgeous sunny day and a nice warm we thought we'd check it out for ourselves. I was a little hesitant on taking Ava, thinking she would be too scared, but to my surprise....the kids LOVED it and so did I!!!!