Monday, November 15, 2010

A Little Chinese Medicine........

Noah has been suffering from chronic severe headaches(migraines) for the past year and after speaking with his Pediatrician on several occasions he finally referred Naoh to a Pediatric Neurologist to have him further evaluated and to investigate as to why he is getting them so frequently. After meeting with her and her doing multiple tests on Noah and passing them with flying colors, she didn't really have too many answers for us other than he suffers from migraines and that we could manage them with daily antidepressant meds and high blood pressure meds? No way! After talking with my brilliant sister-in-law Sarah....she had suggested accupuncture! She is now offically a "Doctor of Chinese Medicine" and jumped on the opportunity for her to treat Noah with her needles! Yikes right..........

It's hard to see , but he has a needle stuck right on the top of his head! He did great and didn't even know she had stuck him! She rubbed his head and told him that she "accidently pulled one of his hairs"...she's so good!!
Here she is placing little "magnets" on each one of his ears! She also placed them on the tops of his feet, ankle and one on his hand.

Special Chinese release all the energy

I think he is enjoying this!! Big smile on his face! We'll try another session tomorrow!! Good job Noah and tahnk you soooo much Sarah!!!!!!

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