Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We decided to take advantage of the energy tax credit for 2010 and purchased a woodburning stove for our basement. Little did we know that this would turn into a complete remodel of our basement as well!! Keep checking back for updates as we continue on this journey.....it might be a long one!!
Sean and his dad laying the tile for the stove to sit on!

End product....they did a Great job!!You can't tell by this picture but we had 6 guys carrying the stove in....it weighed over 400lbs!

Supervising.......They're faces say it all!!
We needed wood of course to put in the stove....Noah did a great job loading and unloading and stacking wood in our garage!

The start of our "first official" fire! I've been wating for this night for almost 3 years! Our basement is freezing!!
Yay!!! Ahhhhh..... HEAT!!!!

Stay tuned for more updates on our basement "remodel"...........

Eagle River...

Last week Friday the kids had a day off of school, so a few neighbor friends and I took all the kids up to the Children's Museum in Eagle River! To my surprise, the museum was GREAT! The kids had a blast! Forgot my camera in the car, but did manage to snap a picture of all the kids next to the "Ice Castle" on display downtown Eagle River! This was soooo cool! And COLD!
My friend Sue and I......
We all stopped to eat with the kids at a local bar.....this fish sandwich was HUGE!!! Can you believe the size of this thing??
I think AVA had a fun filled day....what do you think? Out......COLD!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our Poor Tree.....

The dreaded job of taking down the Christmas tree was multiplied by 100 this year.....I hate doing this and hated it even more this year! Can you guess why.........

Oh yeah....this pretty much sucked, I would just breath by the tree and a thousand needles would fall off! I guess maybe I will have to water the tree more than twice next year and maybe I won't have this problem!

The tree was actually really pretty and full when we first put it up!!

LEGO King!!!!!

Noah LOVES Legos and couldn't wait to getting working on yet another Lego that he got for Christmas!! I tell you what....I've never seen a kid soooo focused and determined to get these put together and then to start another right away! I DONOT have the patience and forget asking me for help...he's better off asking the wall next to him for help! He's so stinkin' smart he doesn't even NEED help!! HeHe!!

So Focused.......

He needed a little of Dad's help...that's right..ask the engineer!!!!

He was so PROUD of the passenger plane he put together! GREAT job Noah!!

Now on to the next one...........